Well I have arrived in the Deutschland, and so far its beautiful here! The plane ride was decent, and our dogs did pretty well. There are a few things that are going to take some getting use to. Example, road signs! They are all in German, and I have no idea how to speak German, but Iam sure I will have to learn quickly. Right now we are living at an inn on Ramstein air force base until our household goods and such are ready to be delivered. We were going to live off post but my husbands unit is going to be moving during the summer to a different part of Germany so there we will live off post like I wished to.
They only have radiated heat here, which doesn't work as well as central heat in the USA. Their toilets are super funny, and their blinds are located on the outside of the house instead of the inside. It took me and the husband a few tries to figure that out :P Our housekeepers are wonderful, though they don't speak good English they seem like total sweethearts and just fell in love with our 2 dogs.
My only issue was the crazy jet lag, that shit was awful and though iam recouping well, I still get those spot where I tend to fall asleep sitting upright. I know for a fact that iam going to be in better shape here, I walk everywhere!!! Everyone does, and its not so horribly hot and humid. Its very CLEAN here. I love the cobblestone side walks. Their is a nice overcast that works well with my Lupus and my skin issues.
So far the only part iam missing is my wonderful friends! I wish they were here to experience this with me. I cant wait to get into our house and get our stuff settled in. Then we can plan our trips to other countries, ESPECIALLY Italy where I have lots of family.
Iam going to write at least once a week, so those of you who want to travel alongside with me, please keep my website in your favorites or follow me on BlogSpot.
Germany is a wonderful life!
So far iam in heaven. Germany has been nothing but wonderful to me. I
absolutely love this place, the culture, the people, the food, the air and
the surrou...
10 years ago